News Thread

Patch notes, news and other announcements
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Spooky Steam Promo!

Post by Vontre »

It's October, and that means it's time for random weird promotions! Would you like a cool looking Skull castle and a free Card Pack? Of course you would! All you have to do is log onto your account using the STEAM version of Cards and Castles and this free gift is yours!

Please be advised, if you already have the Skull castle you will only receive the free card pack, and new accounts cannot receive gifts until at least one hour after they are created.

One last thing: if you have feedback for the devs, or are just a fan of Cards and Castles and would like to show your appreciation, then please leave us a review! The devs read every review and always appreciate fan feedback and observations. Be sure to check out our community Discord and Reddit if you'd like to communicate with other fans as well. Thank you!

Log on to the Steam version now for your free card pack!
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New Premade Decks!

Post by Vontre »

Hey everyone, our premade deck selection in the shop has been static for a while so we've just rotated FOUR new premade decks into the shop! Each deck contains 40 cards assembled and ready to play including LEGENDARIES and EPICS. Additionally, for a limited time we are allowing players to purchase up to THREE copies of each deck should they so desire. Tap or click on a deck in the Shop for more info!
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Pegacorn Surprise!

Post by Vontre »

Remember our old friend the Pegacorn? He's back today in full released form! The Pegacorn can now be found in card packs at the normal rate, or CRAFTED if you so desire. If you missed the event a few months ago you now have a second chance to get it. Enjoy your Pegacorns!
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Upcoming Balance Patch

Post by Vontre »

We've been hard at work on a new balance and update patch which is going to be released sometime within the next week. Check the link for a complete list of patch notes! ... _33_notes/
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Thanksgiving Sale Available Now!

Post by Vontre »

Our Thanksgiving sale is now live! Get 25 card packs and a bonus legendary at a great discount! This deal will only be available for a very short time!
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Patch 3.3!

Post by Vontre »

Our latest balance patch 3.3 is now live! You can read the complete patch notes on Reddit here! ... _33_notes/
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Premade Decks Rotation!

Post by Vontre »

The Panda, Knight and Zombie decks have been rotated into the shop! These great deals are limited 1 per customer, so if you haven't bought them yet go check them out!
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Cleave Hotfix

Post by Vontre »

We've just deployed a minor hotfix to the cleave mechanic: in order to make cleaving units easier to understand for new players, cleave now strikes enemy's in ALL surrounding tiles. This more closely matches the attack visuals for our two cleaving characters, which are both basic cards and feature heavily in the tutorial. We anticipate this change will not have a significant impact on the meta. Thank you for your understanding!
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A New Way to Earn Cards!

Post by Vontre »

We've just launched a new card-earning feature: rewarded video! Now you can earn free cards and CP each day just by watching short video ads in the Open Packs screen. You can watch 1 video every 4 hours, or wait and watch up to 6 videos at once! Give it a try!

Please note that this feature is currently experimental, and the rewards may be modified in the future based on how things go. Also, this feature is only available on iOS and Android version of the game for technical reasons.
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Basic Cards Update

Post by Vontre »

We've deployed a minor update today to the basic cards list. A few basic cards were either swapped with other cards or modified in order to help new players better learn the game. Currently we are syncing everyone's collection with the modified basic card list, so everyone will be awarded the cards that were added to basic. The following modifications took place:

- Crusader card CHURCH is no longer a basic card, and has been replaced with a brand new spell SUNBURST, which costs 1g and deals 1 damage to enemies in a 5x5 area.

- Crusader card SEARING LIGHT has been renamed to BLAZING SWORD. It now costs 4g and deals 5 damage to an enemy.

- Warlock card PYROMANCER was swapped with FURNACE KNIGHT

- Viking card HALL OF WINDS was swapped with ICE BLAST

That's all!