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Big Economy Patch

Post by Vontre »

As we went over in our news post yesterday, we are deploying a major economy update to address a number of quality of life and pricing issues during Early Access. We realize this is disruptive, so we've included a gift code at the bottom of this post for everyone to use!

- All sources of Cards Points and prices have been multiplied by 10x. This was done to make the currency more distinct from silver.
- Basic card packs now cost 150 silver.
- The amount of silver gained from most in-app purchase bundles has been slightly increased.
- Most quests now reward both CP and EXP. Only 1 quest is awarded per day, up to a maximum of 3 total; however, this single quest now gives as much or more CP and EXP as the previous 2-quest system.
- Added 3 new bonus daily quests that give a small amount of additional CP. These quests will refresh every day if completed.
- Higher rank tiers generally require more stars to complete (players have generally been achieving high rank too early, this is intended to be a progression over multiple monthly seasons).
- Two new standard card packs have been added, the Epic Pack and Shiny Pack! Both are purchasable for either CP or Silver.
- Most cosmetic items can now be purchased with CP.
- Added a currency exchange for Silver to be converted to CP in case that is needed.
- Added 4 new bundles to the shop!
- The price of standalone castles in the shop has been reduced.

For a limited time, players may use the gift code QUESTS to receive a free 1500 silver gift! Thank you for playtesting during Early Access and helping us smooth over and improve our economy.
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Minor Gameplay Patch

Post by Vontre »

- Kunai: Now costs (0). Deal 1 damage to 2 random enemies.
- Overpower: Redesigned. Deal 1 damage. If you are holding a - Berserk unit, deal 3 instead.
- Storm Weapon: Redesigned. Costs (2), summon a random 2-cost unit and give it Chain Lightning.
- Barbarian: No longer has Overwhelm. Stats changed to 3/5.
- Berserker: Cost reduced to (3).
- Priest: Health increased to 2.
- Sensei: Health increased to 2.
- Strength of Will: Cost reduced to (2).
- Trebuchet: Cost reduced to (3).
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Gameplay Patch

Post by Vontre »

A minor gameplay patch was just posted, tweaking a few more of the game's mechanics. Please check our community discord for full patch notes.
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Have Some Buffs!

Post by Vontre »

Hello everyone, we've received some community feedback that there is a lack of viable cards for some costs. We've gone ahead and pushed forward a few buffs and minor redesigns to help broaden the card pool for your enjoyment! We recognize we've been patching somewhat quickly lately, so as a thank you for bearing with us we've added a limited time promo code SLEEPER. Redeem this code in the shop for 3 free card packs!

- The Rat King: No longer summons rats. Instead, when it replaces a rat, it gains +1/+1 for each rat in play. Stats increased to 2/2.
- Stone Drake: Redesigned. 5/5 Inert. Awakens when your opponent plays a spell.
- Kage: Ability now deals 1 damage to 3 separate targets. Stats increased to 4/3.
- Berserker: Redesigned. 1/5 Berserk. Has +4 attack if another friendly unit is injured.
- Infestation: Now adds rats to both player’s decks. Cost reduced to (3).
- Celestial Archives: Cost increased to (5).
- Scoutbird: Stats increased to 2/2.
- Gorgon: Stats increased to 4/3.
- Kaijr: Stats increased to 3/4.
- Vaskrheim Warrior: Stats increased to 4/4.
- Cannoneer: Stats changed to 3/2.
- Badger: Stats increased to 3/4.
- Bone Drake: Stats changed to 2/4.
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Dinosaur Revamp!

Post by Vontre »

Hello everyone, we have another balance patch here; we are trying to get things done quickly ahead of the upcoming tournament, and head off any issues. Aside from some balance tweaks, the dinosaur revamp focuses on broadening the dinosaur's overall identity and synergy. Dinosaurs have been extremely Nest/Agro oriented, to the detriment of the wider dinosaur pool. Meanwhile Tyrannosaur as the only synergy piece comes down too late in the game, and is too inconsistent as a legendary card. Complete patch notes can be found on our discord. Dinosaur reworks are:

Dinosaur Evolution: Renamed "Evolution", it now allows a similar effect for units of any tag. Now costs (5). New text reads: "Transform a friendly unit into a unit of the same tag costing (1) more. Repeat this effect 10 times."
Magmasaur: Damage reduced to 2, but stats improved to 5/4.
Raptor: Redesigned. Warcry: View 3 Dinosaurs. Choose one to add to your hand.
Triceratops: Redesigned. Your other Dinosaurs gain +2 Attack.
Baby Dino: HP increased to 2. Summoned Raptor now has Berserk.
Stegosaurus. Now also has Guardian. Stats reduced to 3/5.
Dinosaur Nest: Redesigned. Costs (3). Add 2 random Dinosaurs to your hand and they cost (1) less.
Tyrannosaur: Redesigned. Now gives your Dinosaurs +1/+1 and Berserk.
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Minor Balance Followup

Post by Vontre »

We need to make a few dinosaur adjustments, as a few things are overtuned:

Baby Dino: Raptor summoned is now set to 3/2 stats.
Raptor: Stats reduced to 2/1. Now only views 2 dinosaurs.
Evolution: Repeat count reduced to 8.
Wizard: Stats reduced to 3/2.
Tyrannosaur: Clarified so that its buff only applies to other units. It now has Berserk innately.
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Costing Adjustments

Post by Vontre »

We realized that the game is still lacking in 3-cost cards specifically, especially in the spell category. We feel it's important for the overall spread of costs to be well balance to support easier deck building. To correct this error, we've shifted the cost and potency of a number of cards. This pass gave us an opportunity to improve the design of several cards at the same time.

Doormaster: Now costs (3). Effect changed to Last Will: Give a random enemy unit Madness.
Lava Font: Cost increased to (3). Stats increased to 0/5, damage increased to 3.
Curse of the Moon: Cost increased to (3).
Smuggling Ring: Cost increased to (3), contraband count increased to 4.
Merchant’s Estate: Cost increased to (3), but now also has Warcry: Add Contraband to your hand.
Cosmic Equation: Cost reduced to (1).
Curse of Exhaustion: Cost increased to (3), debuff increased to -2/-2.
Dojo: Cost increased to (3), buff increased to +2/+2.
Burnout: Redesigned. Now costs (3). Add a random spell to your hand for each friendly unit that died this turn.
Mystic Inversion: Cost increased to (3), but it now reduces the cost of the top 7 cards in your deck.
Curse of Death: Cost increased to (3), and debuff increased to -7/-7.
Sacrificial Knife: Cost increased to (3), but now draws 3 cards.
Shaman: Cost reduced to (1), heal reduced to 2.
Priest: Cost increased to (2), health gain increased to 3.
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Frog Prince

Post by Vontre »

Let's talk about the Frog Prince for a minute. So Frog Prince has long been our test case for how long term passive bonus units might work in this game. Although Frog Prince has the stat line and function of a front line unit, there was always a risk that players would find it more valuable to hide him in the back to preserve the valuable buff. We had hoped that the tempo loss represented by never utilizing his stat line would discourage this, and indeed our metrics show that the card is slightly lower than 50% in win rate. However, its PLAY rate is very high, and we have observed that players like to hide him in the back anyway. This makes sense, as the buff feels very impactful, and is likely actually very high value in a swarm or agro heavy meta.

So we are making some changes to the card to make it less frustrating for opponents to deal with, and encourage it to act like a front line fighter. Its stats will be changed to 5/3, and its buff now only lasts for 3 turns. This was an easier decision now that we have a visible counter UI in the game to track his effect, so while we were loathe to increase the complexity of the card at first, we hope this will work out better for players in the long run. We'll be keeping an eye on things to see how this design shift works out.
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Sniper Tweak

Post by Vontre »

We have updated most snipers to have a limited amount of ammo instead of a limited number of turns, as reflected in the card text. Note that these snipers are still removed from play when they can no longer snipe.
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Minor Balance Update

Post by Vontre »

- Daily quest EXP has been increased to 500 (was 400).
- Weekly quest EXP has been somewhat increased.
- Corpse Explosion: Redesigned. Destroy a Tombstone to deal 1 damage to 3 random enemies. Repeat for each enemy destroyed.
- Con Artist: Items added now only cost (3) more.
- Expose Weakness: Cost increased to (2).
- Doormaster: Attack reduced to 1.
- Eye of Flame: Cost increased to (10).
- Shiva: HP increased to 9.
- Curse of Exhaustion: Now gives -3/-3, but does not draw a card.
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